Our Commitment:


  1. Cultural Authenticity: The Ancestral Press is dedicated to ensuring that every book we publish authentically represents the diverse traditions, heritage, and customs of our communities. We collaborate with authors who are deeply connected to their roots, ensuring that each story is a genuine reflection of the richness it seeks to convey.

  2. Elders' Approval: We aspire to create books that not only entertain but also honor the values and teachings of our elders. Every story is crafted with the intention of making the elders proud, carrying forward their wisdom to inspire and guide younger generations.

  3. Ancestral Respect: The Ancestral Press recognizes the importance of respecting our ancestors' stories. We aim to curate a collection that reflects the stories of the people in a manner that ensures that our cultural history and heritage are passed down with reverence, love, and authenticity.

  4. Empowering Voices: We champion storytellers who embrace the power of their voices to uplift and inspire. Our books showcase narratives that celebrate resilience, triumphs, and the beauty found in the unique journeys of ethnic communities.

  5. Educational Legacy: In addition to entertaining, our books serve as educational tools, fostering cultural understanding and appreciation. We strive to create a literary legacy that contributes to a more inclusive and enlightened world.